Monmouth Timeline is most certainly incomplete, there are scores of major events and important stories still ahead of us, waiting to be researched, sourced, and added to the database. We will continue to populate our database with more events over time ourselves, but it is our hope that our community of visitors and history buffs will drive a lot of growth in the site, through suggestions and ideas (See the “Get Involved” page for specific ways you can be a part of Monmouth Timeline).
Other FAQs
What is Monmouth Timeline?
- Monmouth Timeline is an aggregation of major historical events for which an exact date is known. These events are organized chronologically and categorically for easy search and access. It is intended to be a resource for students and researchers as well as aficionados of regional history.
- These events are brought to life through a series of features called “This Day in Monmouth County History,” which we publish on our various social media pages.
- Monmouth Timeline is also the name of the nonprofit organization that operates the websites and other operations of this endeavor.
Why do you require exact dates for events to be included in the Timeline?
We do not want to replicate the outstanding works that already exist, books, articles, videos, etc., which set forth the full narrative history of Monmouth County, including stories and events for which no exact date is known. The fact is, the vast majority of truly important occurrences are sufficiently well-known and documented that finding exact dates is just a matter of research. So we set the bar at events with exact dates as a way of presenting the truly important and impactful moments in our past.