Monmouth Timeline Events
John Barrows, founder and editor of Monmouth Timeline, and the authors of Monmouth Timeline stories are available for public events. For more information, or to book a speaker, email John at [email protected].
Love, Death and Betrayal: The Vito & Anna Genovese Story
Thu Aug 24th 11:00 am
Little Silver Library, Prospect Street, Little Silver, next to Boro Hall
Four Amazing Geniuses from Little Silver
Thu Jun 22nd 11:00 am
Little Silver Library, Prospect Street, Little Silver, next to Boro Hall
I will be giving an encore performance of my lecture on the amazing scientists who called Little Silver Home. This is a live presentation, and participation is free!
Four Amazing Geniuses from Little Silver
Thu May 18th 7:00 pm
Monmouth County Historical Association, via ZOOM
Monmouth County has been home to many brilliant people: award-winning authors, titans of industry, leading scientists, and modern inventors. Bell Labs and Fort Monmouth employed some of America’s most talented people in a host of research fields, resulting in world-changing
The Pearl Harbor Monmouth County Connection and Love, Death & Betrayal: The Anna & Vito Genovese Story
Next Date: Thu Oct 20th 12:00 am
Brandeis National Committee Harmony Chapter We are posting this event, which is not open to the public, to introduce our new presentation on the domestic side of the lives of New Jersey’s most famous mobsters.