Cities & Towns
- Bilby, Joseph G. (2009). Asbury Park: A brief history. History Press, Charleston, S.C.
- Boyd, Paul D. (2004). Atlantic Highlands: From Lenape Camps to Bayside Town. Arcadia Publishing.
- Blackwell, Jon. (2012). Notorious New Jersey: 100 Tales of Murders and Mobsters, Scandals and Scoundrels. Rivergate Books, an imprint of Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
- Dietche, Scott M. (2018). Garden State Gangland: The Rise of the Mob in New Jersey. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Md.
- Linderoth, Matthew R. (2010). Prohibition on the North Jersey Shore: Gangsters on Vacation. The History Press, Charleston, S.C.
Heroes & Celebrities
- Berryman, John (1950, 1977.) Stephen Crane: A Critical Biography. First Cooper Square Press, New York, N.Y., P. 43-45.
- Davis, Linda H. (1998). Badge of Courage. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, N.Y., P. 49-51.
- Dearborn, Mary V., (1999). Mailer: A Biography. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, N.Y., P. 11-16.
- Fields, Armond. (2001.) James J. Corbett. McFarland & Co., Jefferson, N.C.
- Lennon, J. Michael (2013). Norman Mailer: A Double Life. Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y., P. 7-14.
- Rollyson, Carl (1991). The Lives of Norman Mailer: A Biography. Paragon House, New York, N.Y., P. 1-5.
History Unclassified
- Geffken, Rick, and Smith, Muriel J. (2019). Hidden History of Monmouth County. The History Press, Charleston, S.C.
- Roberts, Russell, and Youmans, Rich. (1993). Down the Jersey Shore. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
- Geffken, Rick, and Severini, George. (2017). Lost Amusement Parks of the North Jersey Shore. Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, S.C.
- Salter, Edwin. (1890, 1997, 2001). Salter’s History of Monmouth and Ocean Counties New Jersey. A facsimile reprint, published 2007. Heritage Books, Inc., Westminster, Md.
- Smith, Samuel Stelle. (1983). Lewis Morris: Anglo-American Statesman. Humanitarian Press, Inc., Atlantic Highlands, N.J.
Revolutionary War
- Adelberg, Michael S. (2010). The American Revolution in Monmouth County: The Theatre of Spoil and Destruction. The History Press, Charleston, S.C.
- Adelberg, Michael S. (2010). The Razing of Tinton Falls: Voices from the American Revolution. The History Press, Charleston, S.C.
- Allen, Thomas B. (2010). Tories: Fighting for the King in America’s First Civil War. HarperCollins, New York, N.Y.
- Jasanoff, Maya. (2011). Liberty’s Exiles: American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, N.Y.
- Lender, Mark E., & Stone, Garry W. (2016). Fatal Sunday. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Okla.
Ships & Shipwrecks
- Nagiewicz, Stephen D.(2016). Hidden History of Maritime New Jersey. The History Press, Charleston, S.C.
- Reuseille, Leon (1975). Steam Vessels Built in Old Monmouth 1841 – 1894. J. I. Farley Printing Service, Inc., Brick Township, N.J.
Thomas Alva Edison
- Morris, Edmund. (2019). Edison. Random House, New York, N.Y.
- Baldwin, Neil. (1995). Edison: Inventing the Century. Hyperion, New York, N.Y.