June 3, 1723
The Burrowes Mansion Museum
Editor's note: The following text and images are provided by and used with permission from the Matawan Historical Society. The Burrowes Mansion was built in 1723 by John Bowne III. It is one of Monmouth County’s most important early

May 27, 1778
The Raid on the Burrowes Mansion
Editor’s note: The following text and image are provided by and used with permission of the author and the Matawan Historical Society, with the exception of the Monmouth County Loyalists & Patriots, ©2023 Charlie Swerdlow, commissioned by Monmouth Timeline. The

July 12, 1916
The Jersey Shore Shark Attacks of 1916
On July 12, 1916, three people were attacked by a shark in Matawan Creek, with two dying from their injuries. These attacks followed previous and unprecedented shark attacks off of Spring Lake beach on July 6, and Beach Haven, in

June 9, 1964
Shrewsbury Had Flying Jeeps but Asbury Park Had a Flying Submarine
This is a story about small airfields of Monmouth County that are now long gone. During World War II, residents of Monmouth County became accustomed to seeing a number of small aircraft, midget planes known affectionately as "Flying Jeeps" passing

June 1, 2023
New Art: Monmouth County Loyalists and Patriots
Editor’s note: The two illustrations detailed below were commissioned by Monmouth Timeline in 2023 to illustrate multiple stories. The artist’s signed prints are currently on loan to the Matawan Historical Society, and are on display at the Burrowes Mansion Museum